Your day is quickly approaching. Your planning is almost complete and your anticipation is building. The following items can help you keep your sanity as well as look and feel your best on your wonderful day:

·                   Review the Final Checklist at the end of this section to mark off any last minute details.

·                   Check with your groom to remind him of his duties such as bringing the marriage license and the rings. Don’t leave anything to chance.

·                   Develop and prepare a wedding day itinerary just for your activities for the day. This will help you from worrying about any last minute details being overlooked. Allow for plenty of time to get ready and to deal with unexpected things that may occur.

·                   Reconfirm the commitment of family or friends that were delegated duties.

·                   Pack an emergency bag:

To help with the unexpected items that could come up, prepare yourself by packing an emergency bag that you can take with you to the ceremony. Have a bridesmaid or trusted friend bring it along to the reception. You can even take it with you on your honeymoon. Items to pack:

o    Make-up for touching up
o    Brush
o    Hairspray
o    Comb
o    Blow Dryer o Curling Iron o   Toothbrush o Toothpaste o   Mouthwash o Dental Floss
o    Clear nail polish
o    Nail glue
o    Emery board
o    Different types of pins (safety, straight, bobby, and hair)
o    Two extra pairs of stockings
o    Cufflinks, studs, and additional bow ties
o    A sewing kit with needles pre-threaded with all of the colors used in your wedding including white or ivory.
o    Tweezers and crochet hook (to fasten button hooks, etc.)
o    Earring backs
o    Aspirins
o    Antacid
o    Tampons and sanitary napkins
o    Smelling salts
o    White chalk (to get out lipstick)
o    Straws (for quick drinking with out making a mess)
o    Masking tape (for ripped hems)

·                   Lay out all of your clothes, accessories, and any other items you may need the night before.

·                   Save the majority of your celebrating for your special day. Go to bed early and get plenty of rest.

·                   You may be a little nervous but this is natural. Try to relax and avoid emotional tension.

·                   Try to eat something the next morning so you can look and feel your best.

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