1. You need to know there’ll be some days you’ll have to really work at loving the other person. Especially those days when she’s snarling at you.

2. You need to know that love is showing patience for a man who hasn’t picked up his laundry in three days.

3. You need to know love is caring more about another person’s happiness than your own.

4. You need to know true love is loving another person in spite of their annoying little habits that
would drive another person nuts.

5. You need to know love is letting another person lean on you.

6. You need to know love is listening.

7. You need to know love is reassuring your pregnant wife that her gas problems don’t embarrass you.

8. You need to know that love is agreeing to go to a therapist even though you think it’s the other person who has a few loose screws.

9. You need to know love is what God says it is: patient, kind, truthful, not envious, not self-seeking.

10. You need to know that on some days you will love your spouse more than you do on other days. It doesn’t mean your relationship has hit the skids. More than anything, it just means you need to hold each other for a while.

11. You need to know love is accepting that you’re not always going to get your way.

12 You need to know love doesn’t give orders.

13. You need to know love is accepting her hormones.

14. You need to know love is getting hugged even though you’re contagious and snot is dripping out of your nose.

15. You need to know love is letting you fall asleep on his shoulder even though he had rotator cuff surgery three days ago.

16. You need to know love is understanding how hard the other one is trying.

17. You need to know jealousy isn’t a sign of love. It’s a sign of being a loon.

18. You need to know love is what remains after the infatuation ends.

19. You need to know love isn’t a feeling word. It’s an action word.

20. You need to know love will not take care of everything. You also need money, prayer, determination, and a big screen.

21. You need to know that sexual fidelity, kindness, generosity, and cooperation are surefire ways to maintain love in a relationship.

22. You need to know being loved means someone else cares as much about you as you do.

23. You need to know people who love each other treasure spending time with each other.

24. You need to know love is showing him you respect him. Even if he’s lost his job, money’s tight, and your sister just moved into a brand new house.

25. You need to know love is planting a soft, romantic kiss on her cheek while she’s washing the dishes. And then telling her to sit down while you finish.

26. You need to know love is reminding him of his successes and accomplishments when he feels like a failure.

27. You need to know love is eating whatever has been cooked for dinner. Even if it’s artichoke hearts. Or grilled lamb patties. And remember this line: “This tastes great.”

28. You need to know that no matter how hard you try not to, you will hurt each other. But it helps to try.

29. You need to know that, at the end of the day, commitment is more important than love.

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