It is left for man to find. I have discovered some things that men should look out for in the woman they want to get married too. Once you made the vow of marriage, it is sinful to break the vow. So you have to look well before you enter into a marriage vow with a woman. Women are not left out in the searching also. This I mean that, women should also be on the lookout for the man that will be a good husband, a good father and a good family member. As men desire a good wife, so also women desire a good wife.

Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It is good to invest time, energy and effort in a series of lengthy conversations with your partner in order to really get to know him or her. You do not know each other from Adam, but the time you spend in fact finding mission helps a great deal. The last thing you want to do is to marry a baby who still needs time to mature. It is in the questions you ask in truth that gives you the advantage to know the other person.

It is required of you to ask questions such:
- Is he/she close or has an intimate relationship with God?
- Is he/she producing good fruits as a result of living a spirit filled life?
- Does he/she read the word of God diligently? How often?
- Does he/she pray rightly? When and How?
- Does he/she pray in the Holy Spirit?
- How does he/she talk? Does he/she curses or speak negatively?
- What does he/she thinks about?
- How often does he/she go to church or stay in the midst of believers?
- Does he/she go to church because you want them to or because they are in love with God?
- Do you have to motivate him/her before he/she can seek God's face in all situations?
- How does he/she respond to challenging situations?
- Does he/she express anger or frustration in a positive or negative way?
- Is he/she critical of others?
- How does he/she treat his/her parents
- Does he/she puts the needs of his/her parents and siblings above his/her own needs?
- Is he/she quick to resolve problems or does he/she shout, throw items, make unpleasant comments, hold grudges or give others the silent treatment?

These are just few of the questions that can be asked. There are still more peculiar questions that need to be asked. Don't be afraid to ask anything. If the other person truly loves you, he /she will not be secretive with answers to your questions. You do not need to rush into marriage. Most people that rush into marriage also rush out as soon as possible. This is because he/she looks at the physical attractiveness of the other person. Or maybe the other person has a great personality. Look well and ask the right questions before you get hitched.

To this end, it is your level of spiritual maturity that determines how successful your marriage becomes. This must be first before other things like emotional maturity, financial maturity, physical maturity etc comes into place. This is because the God who created marriage is a Spirit. It takes the spiritual to access the things of the Spirit. A checklist that is fully based on the spiritual should be made and the right questions should be asked. It is one said that. "The person that asks questions is a fool for some minutes or hours but the one that asks not is a fool forever". A good marriage has a solid foundation. One element of the solid foundation is asking the appropriate questions. Though love may be blind, marriage will open it. Don't let emotions get over you that you cease not to ask the right questions.

I see you entering into a blissful married life. You will enjoy and not endure your marriage. In so many years time, you will look back and give God thanks for how it all began. People will use your marriage as a positive reference to the praise and glory of God's name.

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