1. You need to know to discuss difficult issues before you get married, not when you’re on the way out the door.

2. You need to know that the honeymoon feeling of love—you know, when everything is new and wonderful and exciting—can end before the wedding. And this has nothing to do with whether or not you’ll be happy as a couple.

3. You need to know the first two years of marriage carry the highest risk of affairs and divorce.

4. You need to know that if you think your spouse has changed, look at yourself. Maybe you no longer find his drinking amusing.

5. You need to know marriage is no place for rugged individualism.

6. You need to know women tend to start more conversations about problems in the relationship than men do. Men are happy if they’re holding the remote control.

7. You need to know problems are part of life. Divorce doesn’t have to be.

8. You need to know if you’re having trouble sleeping together, a bigger bed might solve everything.


1. You need to know men and women think differently about sex. To begin with, he’s usually thinking about it.

2. You need to know to invite God into the bedroom. Hey, the whole thing is His idea.

3. You need to know sex between a husband and wife is sacred.

4 You need to know sex was created by God as a gift for married couples.

5. You need to know you were designed to desire your spouse.

6. You need to know that in a loving marriage, sex is like icing on the cake. The cake, however, is made up of love and faith and kindness and patience and respect.

7. You need to know if sex stops in a marriage, the marriage itself is not far behind.

8. You need to know giving your body to your spouse is a spiritual act. An offering of yourself.

9. You need to know how to talk about sex without ego, emotion, or embarrassment.


1. You need to know studies indicate a good marriage makes you as happy as putting $100,000 a year into your savings account. This doesn’t mean that getting married ten times will make you feel like a millionaire.

2. You need to know marriage improves your sex life. That should make you happy.

3. You need to knowmarriage keeps people alive longer. Scientists don’t know why.

4. You need to know one key to marriage happiness is not to tell the other person every time he does something wrong. Breathe deep. Don’t open your mouth.

5. You need to know marriage reduces stress and stress-related illnesses. In other words, you may be mad at your spouse, but it’s better than being mad at life.With no one to snap at.

6. You need to know love and praise are contagious. The more love and praise you offer, the more of it you get back.

7. You need to know that a willingness to sacrifice your needs for your partner is directly linked to a happy marriage.


1. You need to know having a stress-free life together is a myth. What you will have is someone to face the stress with.

2. You need to know it’s a myth that marriage changes people. But people can change a marriage.

3. You need to know a perfect marriage requires perfect people. Which is a myth.

4. You need to know it’s a myth that a happy couple agrees about everything. In fact, some of the happiest couples may rarely agree about anything. Except to love and accept each other.

5. You need to know that never going to bed angry is a myth. If couples never went to bed angry, they would be sleep deprived.

6. You need to know it’s a myth that marriage ill make you happier. If you’re unhappy now, you’ll be just as unhappy later.